Embracing Change: Our Song of Autumn as Summer Fades

Immerse yourself in the ancient practice of sound healing therapy to revitalize your body, mind, and spirit. Through the ages, music and sound have been harnessed to uplift spirits, boost productivity, and aid in healing.

Picture your favorite song and how it instantly lifts your mood. Dr. Mark Menolascino explains that "everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency… Those vibrations interact with every cell in your body." This means that the vibrations from instruments or vocals can interact with your body's cells to promote healing. Singing bowl meditation has been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure, improve circulation, relieve aches and pains, and even strengthen the immune system.

Sound and music are potent healers for a variety of mental, emotional, and physical conditions, offering relief for depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, dementia, autism spectrum disorders, learning difficulties, behavioral and psychiatric disorders, sleep disorders, aches and pains, and even some cancers.

The reported benefits of music therapy and sound healing are numerous, including reduced stress, fewer mood swings, lower blood pressure, reduced risk of strokes and coronary artery disease, and improved sleep.

Join us in our Salt Haven on November 6 at 7 pm to experience the forest’s vibrant autumn hues through a guided sound bath meditation. Reflect on the passing of summer and allow yourself to be released from outdated patterns.

Connie Thompson

Owner of Søle Nordic Wellness Spa


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